Wednesday, May 31, 2006


put Baby Oil gel in your 2 month old babies hair to help clean up a mild case of cradle cap. After almost 10 hair washings...... my little PJ is still a little grease monkey.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Raegan Skye Merritt - 2+ weeks old

This is Morgan's second smile on film. I know she smiled at me on my birthday..... so this is about 5 weeks old.

Morgan's first smile on film. Daddy is holding her.

Well, that's the end of a smile there! I guess I've got one on film.... You can't be too picky.

Hey, that's kinda a smile! And...... the introduction of the Payton Floppy Hat. It's got cute ruffles on the front.

Not a good pic.... but Morgan sat right down and ate birthday cake with Grandjack.

G Uncle D and G Aunt A with PJ

Meeting her Aunt Nellie and G Uncle G.

A kiss from her Grammie

My girls.

It could be interpreted as the beginnings of a smile.

Sittin' with daddy. See the little roll in her leg? So cute!

About to get a kiss!

PJ is 2 months old

Well, time certainly flies, doesn't it? I've been housebound doing the same routine every day, and it still doesn't slow the passage of time.

Payton at 2 months. She is waking up now. Egads! She is most awake in the evenings after about 5, and after Morgan goes to bed, she likes having her parent's to herself, especially her mama, and wants to eat or be held until bedtime. When Steve is on shift she sleeps with me, because I can be right there to get her to sleep... and when she wakes up in the middle of the night, I can just drag her over to me. We go to sleep about 11, and she wakes up somewhere between 3 and 6 to eat again, so really, sleeps fairly well for 2 months.

She has a mild case of cradle cap, so always has a flake or 5 in her mass of auburn hair. She sometimes likes her bath, which we do every other day or three, depending.

I still haven't captured a great smile on film, but she occasionally does one. She's fairly vocal, actually. She is a loud eater, humming and slurping during the entire meal, and when she's happy she makes cute little coo noises as her face changes and her eyes light up.

When she's hungry she does as most newborns do, roots around, but we like to say she's giving us kisses, albeit somewhat vigorously. She is very cute when she does it, and it's interesting how the kisses change and the sounds she makes changes when Mom is holding her instead of her daddy.

Morgan loves her to death, and Payton likes to follow her with her eyes, so I am excited to see their interaction as they get older. They'll be such good friends!

I've got me another big girl. She's already getting little chubby legs, and she's starting to be too long for some of her clothes. She is 2 months old... but I'm not ready to look at the 3-6 month clothes yet. It's happening so fast!

I'll take some more pictures later today, if I remember, but I wanted to make sure I got at least one today with her bear.... who has yet to be named. She was napping, so I took advantage of the relaxed state and tossed her on my bed:


And now let's see how much she's grown since last month:

Hmmmmm...... Now let's compare to her newborn photo:

Egads! At first it looks like she's DOUBLED in size. But in the newborn pic she's facing out rather than to the side, so I guess she hasn't quite doubled in size.... but I bet she's over 10 pounds now. You know, they grow so fast..... at least MINE DO! :)

May 1976

May 1976.... so about 3 months old.

May 1976

Davinie with a head of hair named Papa, 4 days old

Davinie, 5 months

Who is this?

Monday, May 29, 2006

A Memorial Day

What did Morgan do on Memorial Day?

A #1

and a #2

IN the potty.

What a sad state of affairs that this is the highlight of my day.... that I saved .02 on wipes, and a diaper. I still had to look at poo, but whaddya do? Gotta find that "happy place" about it all.....

Saturday, May 27, 2006

My favorite layout..... EVER!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Here's another layout with some of my favorite Morgan pics. Her smile couldn't have gotten ANY bigger when she was on that swing.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Love this!

This is my layout for the contest at our local scrapbook store. There's a $5 monthly kit of goodies..... I was holding Morgan when I took this picture..... I just held out the camera and hoped for the best. I think I did pretty good!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Got Mud?

Morgan was helping Steve prepare the soil where the new sewer tank is for more lawn. Isn't she doing a great job? Aww.... mud.

We AAAALLLmost got a smile on film. This is the closest one so far. Payton is looking at me and her daddy is trying to capture the pic....

Monday, May 15, 2006

This is it! Finally! After almost 6 years of marriage, I think I have finally found the paper line for my wedding album! I love both the Peabody and Verbena line of this K & Co. K-ology paper! Perfect!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

Sabrina and Rae came over to play on Mother's Day. Steve is on shift, and Matt is at work, so it was just the girls.

Birthday party Day

Saturday was filled with a birthday extravaganza. First we went to Eva's 4th birthday party at 10:30am (Eva, our former neighbor), and then we headed to Bend for Krysta's 2nd birthday party.

The three amigos.... Morgan, Krysta, and Rylee.

Steve took these pictures while I was in the other room. The reason I think they are so funny is that these three girls have this uncanny ability to entertain themselves simply by looking at one another. They look at each other, and then they start screeching... well, like little girls. What silly kids.

Sunglass chick. Morgan in one of her many pairs of sunglasses.... seems to be a popular goodie bag gift for little kid birthday parties....

Thursday, May 11, 2006


So, Steve had this ton of facial hair that he's been growing out since we've been out with Payton. Last night, we decided to have fun with his shave, and I took progressive pictures as he did hysterical shavings to get to "work worthy". They really were funny, some disturbing. Well, like a COMPLETE MORON, in anticipation of taking a ton of photos outside today, I forgot about our session last night, and deleted everything on my camera to free up space. I FORGOT to download those pics first, though! I'm such an idiot! Now we are going to have to have a third child so that he can grow out his beard again while he isn't working, so that I can take the photos again. I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo bummed. That was going to be a fun scrapbook page! Matt had suggested "hair today, gone tomorrow" as a title!

Alas.... I know. I had it on the action setting still, hence the blurry hand. Steve is back for his first shift since paternity leave...... and it's hard to get the kids coordinated by myself.
