My little piece of that azure sky
A trip down hazard lane, full of bonks, bruises, dirty diapers and little sleep, to keep you updated on the Fiero household
A trip down hazard lane, full of bonks, bruises, dirty diapers and little sleep, to keep you updated on the Fiero household
WOW it looks like she had SO much fun!!
now, THESE are totally scrappable!!
and please don't try to tell us she was just using her chin to help carry mud around because her hands were full.......she was EATING the mud!!
Yes, a nice muddy goatee.... VERY cute photos! I love the focus on the last one... great!
No, no, no. She doesn't eat mud. AS evidenced by the rest of her garb... she did a minor face plant, and then had a small itch. No eatie the muddy.
Oh, and the last pic is one of her "cheeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEse" faces. She can be such a stinker.... but you'll notice I DID get a muddy smile too, so I'll take them both! :)
I don't thinkie eatie the muddie...... MUST send me these. I LOVE her smile in the first one, and I LOVE her touching Cooper's tongue with her muddy hand, and I LOVE her CHEESE. I was trying to explain the cheese incident with Steve's mom trying to take her picture, but you just gotta see that to believe it......
AND...see how her butterfly repels the mud?? Gotta make a whole outfit outta that stuff!
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