Sunday, April 30, 2006

Miss Payton Jayne, one month old - another chunky amazon woman... love it, love it, love it. She still sleeps a lot, but her eyes are starting to better focus on us... and I think we shall see a true smile within the week. I hope I catch it on film! A very good baby, and has a fabulous big sister who can't wait to play with her. All in all... perfect!

Sweet Payton and her bear..... who has yet to be named!

Big sis, and little sis.

Morgan, a happy girl at the pool for a friend's 3rd birthday party. We were at the new outdoor pool at Juniper Aquatic center. It's huge, fabulous.... but because it's April, it's covered... so it was very LOUD in there. Don't take your small children on a Saturday during open swim time! It was a fiasco.... yet, as usual, Payton slept through the whole thing. Morgan and daddy swam for an hour, and then we had cake and icecream. She had fun!

At first timid, it didn't take long before Morgan was lovin' the water. She'd get out, and stand in the exact same spot every time... .right on the 3 inch spot. Then she'd take a little run and......


A happy girl and her daddy

Friday, April 28, 2006

No way.... didn't realize it at the time, but I may have accidentally caught Payton's first smile on film! I shot @10 photos in rapid succession, just trying to get Morgan to look at me before she let go of her sister. In the end, I got an okay pic!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The hills are alive.....

With the sounds of my tooting....

In the scrapbook world, if you get published, it's called a Toot.



My Spring 2004 layout is going to be seen in the August issue of Scrapbook Trends magazine! It's the layout of Morgan sitting in the flowers at Nedonna Beach in 2004. I had strips of different Basic Grey paper, and then hand stitched some flowers on the left. I have to pull it from all online galleries, blogs, but can put it back in September after the magazine comes out. In exchange for my layout, they are going to send me $20 in scrapbook goodies as well as two copies of the magazine. Very cool. The only thing I don't like is that I have to mail them my layout, but that's okay. I have pictures of it so that I can recreate it if it gets lost.

Anyway..... TOOT TOOT TOOOOOOOOTTT! Very exciting. This was my goal for 2006, and it's April and it already happened. If Steve thought I was scrap obsessed before, wait until he sees me now that I've been published! :)


Is this a bad thing? As I sit here surfing the net, Morgan is going through a little box of cards, like our Marriott rewards card, etc., picking up the cards, and swiping them down the table and such. Does that mean I use credit/debit cards too much? OOPs! What a thing to teach your child!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

This is a layout I made using a monthly kit... for a contest. You had to create a haiku in place of other journaling...

Of course, we laughed and sang "happy Unbirthday" to Payton on the 18th.... the little stinker! She messed up my plan for January-April birthdays.... and we now have to return the April charm on my charm bracelet.... but I wouldn't change a thing. Everything about her arrival was a comlete surprise... which is SO COOL! :)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The big kids also had an easter egg hunt. It was so fun! There were eggs scattered around the house and they had to find 4 items, the first person to do so being the winner. They had to find an egg with a bullet ( I know... Steve's idea), a washer, a paper clip, and and egg with a button in it. All eggs had candy in them, and some eggs didn't have one of their items in it. It was a good idea! We will find something more challenging next year. Sabrina one and Alyca was a close second, although Alyca may have had all of the items earlier than that and just not realized it. Fun, fun!


My Easter sweetie, in her Easter dress, wearing a sweater her Great Aunt June made for her. We had a blast! The weather cooperated, and the easter egg hunt was so fun!

Another great pic of my girl, taken by her Aunt Alyca. I'm going to have that lady move down and attach herself to my camera. I can't tell you high excited I am to get great pics of my girls to scrap. My girls. Whoa.

Easter sweetie. Isn't that dress ADORABLE?

Cutie! Alyca bought these flowers for a photo shoot we were going to do of naked Payton, and of course Morgan wanted to be included. She's smiling AGAIN! And... of course..... I wasn't the one holding the camera. Stinker!


I needed a picture of PJ in orange for a scrapbook page I'm doing that has orange paper/embellishments. I removed some of the coloring on this one. I think this one is it! I'm done messing with her now, and she's glad. She is tired of the flashbulb in her face! I think Alyca and I took more than 600 pictures this weekend. :)

Or there's this one too.....

I'm trying to decide on the photo to use for the birth announcements. So far, these two are my favorites. I like the "precious" on her shirt. I lightened up the photo a little bit, but her dark hair does blend a little into the background. Maybe Alyca can play with them more. So... for today, do you like this one, or......

Or this one.

Sister kiss

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mama and the two girls at the park. We went on a jaunt with the stroller and the front pack to get some exercise and some fresh air. Payton is that little pink spot at the bottom of the photo. Daddy took this picture and almost forgot to include her in the photo! :) He's working on his photography skills. This is unaltered. At least he was close up this time. Normally we are little specs in the middle of the photo because he's got it zoomed out too far. Now we just need him to go halfway. :)

Smilin' for the camera!

Sleeping beauty. An easy baby who doesn't even fuss when big sis is having a tantrum right next to her. Phew! So different from Morgan, who would wake up if we tiptoed too loud. :) Lucky us!

Big and little sis.

Morgan..... showing a hint of mommy's smile that she got from her Grammie.

Friday, April 07, 2006

I love this layout. Morgan with her finger in her belly button is so CUTE! She was always fascinated with her "bebby". :)

A recent scrapbook page. Morgan at Nedonna Beach in 2004 when we were at the coast for a week with Steve's family.

Update 0425 - This layout is being published in the August Scrapbook Trends magazine.... will return in September!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

My sweet baby girl is a week old!

As I write we cross the line from week one, on to week two. I can't believe how fast it's gone. I'm still trying to get used to the idea that I'm not pregnant anymore. I'm supposed to be for another 12 days! I need to be sure to really soak in the memories from the last week. It's almost been dreamlike, surreal because it was so unplanned, such a surprise.

One week ago today, I woke up and lost my mucus plug. After researching it on the internet, I found that it didn't necessarily mean I was in labor. At the time, I didn't feel any different, so I wasn't concerned. However, an hour later, I started having what I thought were rather strong braxton hicks contractions, right over my pelvic bone. And every time I'd have one, I thought I was peeing my pants! I'd have a contraction, pee, say "dang it!", and go change my undies. I just thought the baby had dropped and was now squishing my bladder every time I had one of those darn BX contractions. I was in such denial! After a little bit, I decided that something MUST be happening, so I had better shower and shave, posthaste! Morgan jumped in with me, and I showered, shaved, contracted, "peed", and elevated my blood pressure as the anxiety began to rise.

Shortly thereafter, I phoned Steve's parent's house to talk to JoRae, mother of 4, because I thought she might have some insight to help me. Nobody answered, so I assumed they were belting up and heading back to Idaho. I then called Sabrina to see what she thought it was. She said if my water broke I wouldn't be able to stop the "peeing". However, every time I contracted and this happened, I'd pee a little bit, and then was able to go into the bathroom and actually pee. So I wasn't sure she was right, although I did start to think I had saved up quite a bit of urine from all the peeing and undie changing I had been doing thus far. At this point, it's a little after 9, 2+ hours after I got up and lost my mucus plug. She urged me to follow my intuition and call the doctor to see what they thought. I even emailed work and asked what they thought. I even called Steve and told him about my plug. He later emailed me and told me to take it easy and remember to burn a CD of some pics for one of our friends. His lack of concern made me very conflicted.

I called the doctor, and they said I should come in so that they could check me and be sure it wasn't amniotic fluid. The nurse also said that if my symptoms started changing, and I really felt like I might be in labor.... I should go straight to the hospital. I then called Sabrina back, freaked out a little, becuase the bunny hat I was going to knit wasn't done, I had no clothes ready, Morgan and I hadn't had a special lunch and chat about the upcoming events..... and asked her to come over and watch Morgan because at this point all I'd managed to do was diaper her, and I didn't think I could handle dressing her and driving her to Beans house. I was getting all worked up, and the BX were starting to hurt!

I called Steve back, said I was headed to the Dr., and he asked if he should leave and come with me. He was on shift, of course. Since he'd have to call someone in to replace him, I told him no, I'd go to the doctor first, because if it was a false alarm, I didn't want to create a fiasco. Silly me. Then, when Bean got here, I grabbed a spare pair of panties for the road, a panty liner, that's all I had in the house, hoped for the best, and jumped in the car. I contracted once or twice, but no more "peeing" on the way to the doctor's office. Sabrina took Morgan to her house.

However, as I parked the car, cutting off a poor pedestrian who wanted to cross the street and gave me a dirty look, I got out of the car, walked 5 or 6 steps to the first set of doors, contracted, and peed. I sped up, and as I walked into the doctor's waiting room and dashed up to the receptionist, who had the glass door closed and was on the phone, my water did break.... ALL over the place. Time? 10:15am. I tapped on the door and told her who I was and that I needed to see a nurse ASAP, and she quickly leaned out for a nurse and I was rushed to the restroom. I changed into my spare panties, put back on my sopping wet running pants, and they rushed me into a room. They then weighed me, which now, in retrospect, seems kinda silly because I probably lost a pound on the way to the office, and then I stripped down and jumped on the table. My blood pressure was high ( well, of course!!!! wouldn't yours be?!) and Dr B shortly thereafter came in and checked me, said I was dilated to a 2 and that my water did in fact break. I then used the nurses phone to call Steve and tell him we were having a baby on 3/30, and to get to the hospital. They then had me put my soggy clothes back on, jump in a wheel chair, and then they dashed me across the parking lot to the hospital. SO embarrasing. Oh, this was after they said that they had only had 1 other woman give birth in the clinic. Were they worried?

They wheeled me into the family birthing center where we entered room 130, the same room I had when sweet Morgan Paige was born, and encountered our sweet angel nurse Amy. They then hooked me up to the monitors, and Steve walked in. We sat there for a minute, and discussed the fact that I was 35 6/7 weeks pregnant, and normally they have all laboring mom's prior to 36 weeks go to Bend to birth their babies, because Bend has NICU and Redmond is not equipped to handle preemies needing extra care. I said that since I had been having a healthy pregnancy, was only 1 day shy of 36 weeks, and really wanted Dr B to deliver my baby, we wanted to stay in Redmond. Dr B and the nurse then said that I now had no choice, because the baby's heart rate was decelerating at every contraction, and as I had only been dilated to a 2 when they checked me, they needed to get the baby out now, and couldn't wait for me to go to Bend. Decision made.

At this point I am fighting the contractions, making them hurt more, and crying, because I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING! I am about to go into surgery, I didn't even get to kiss my sweet lamb goodbye, and what if something happened? I was very overwhelmed. It was too early! Amy got me all prepped and ready, and Steve said "this is where you need to tell me it's all my fault and that you hate me". At that point, I wanted to kick him to the moon! I was too stressed out to joke! Funny. Contractions hurt! If I had been prepared for natural labor, I know I would have been fine, but I had too much going on in my little mind at that point, and they were happening every minute or so, making me unable to relax and work through it.

The Cesarean OR is two doors away from room 130, much different than when Morgan was born and I was wheeled to the OR on the other end of the hospital. Nurse Amy suggested I walk, but Dr B thought it would be faster to wheel me over there, so he dashed my bed out of the room. Steve and I had a quick kiss, I shed a tear or two, and then off I went. Steve stayed behind to don the blue suit. The spinal didn't hurt at all, and I even rested my forehead on Dr B during the administration. Last time it was a nurse. He's so sweet. I was then layed down, pinched a few times, and then the sheet was draped, my arms were strapped, pinched a few times, and Steve was brought into the room.

Steve was a lot less nervous this time, partly because we were both in shock about the current events, partly because he knew he was responsible for all OR photography (we had planned to have Alyca there to do that on the 18th), and partly because we had done this before. No vigorous rubbing of the head this time...

Dr B and Dr I began the process, and we all joked and Steve and I kept commenting on how surreal the experience was. Steve stood up and watched the procedure a few times, and in doing so, managed to capture one of the most amazing moments that will ever occur in my life. He held up Sabrina's camera, and was able to photograph the beginning of our baby's life, the beginning of her independence, the last of our connection. Not only is the lighting in this photo amazing, it looks professional, it's focused on our baby, isn't gorey, and speaks volumes. I will treasure this picture forever.

As our baby was pulled from my body, Dr B asked, well, what is it? With tears and excitement in his voice, Steve was able to tell me, "It's a girl, it's Payton!" I immediately started crying, our wait was finally over!, and we kissed and he went back to looking at our sweet daughter. Her little lungs needed some help, so she was over on the table for a minute, and then they brought her over so that I could have my first look. I immediately thought her face looked just like her big sisters. The anesthesiologist took our picture, and then Steve and Payton headed off to the nursery. Dr B and Dr I stitched me back together again, a process that took longer this time and the last because of scar tissue, and then I was wheeled back to room 130. The whole time I just layed there thinking about my sweet family. Mama of two girls. What a sweet family we have. I am so lucky....

Waiting was hard, but this time Steve was able to come in and out of the room and let me know how things were going. Payton's blood sugar had dropped to 29, and our pediatrician wanted to send her to Bend to the NICU. Our sweet angelic nurse Amy convinced him to let her try and bring it up, and after the first IV it was at a 38. Babies need to have their levels above 50, I think. After 2 IV's and one bottle, our sweet girl was up and stable. At this point Steve's parent's and JoRae had arrived. They had been out to breakfast when I called so luckily, were still in town.

Mama and baby were then reunited.

Sweet Payton Jayne weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 20 1/4 inches long. Big for a preemie. I was wondering if my dates were wrong, but many of her characteristics were that of a preemie baby, so she was just big for a month early. A fast baker!

Morgan was excited to meet her sister, but as expected, will take some time to adjust to having her at home. She's used to mama being there for her 24/7, so the tantrums are expected and we are being very patient, because she's 2, and this is how she knows to express her frustrations. She loves to kiss and hug on her, wants to rock her all the time, a little vigorously, yes, but she does love her. They are going to be best buds.

At this point, Payton has barely looked at us, she's so busy sleeping. Very different from Morgan. But it's nice, because it allows Mama to recover quicker, and focus more attention on Morgan. Today I was outside pulling weeds, and I haven't taken any pain meds since yesterday. I'm very lucky, I know. I am still taking care of myself though. I plan to take a nap posthaste!

Our Easter bunny foiled my plan for January, February, March and then April birthdays. Stinker. I am actually very excited about it, because it shows me that she's independent, makes up her mind, and does things her own way. JUST like her sister. Able to take care of themselves. Strong willed. Sassy. Perfect.

Are we done having babies? I don't know yet. I am a little concerned, because Morgan had to have a bottle because of low blood sugar when she was born too, and with this early delivery, I wonder if I really should have more children, or just stop with two. We'll have to wait and see. We'll know if we feel like there is someone missing from the party. But is Steve upset to be outnumbered by the girls in the house? No way. Morgan would rather get dirty with dad any day of the week. He is perfectly satisifed with being the daddy he is, and it doesn't matter who the kids are. We are the Fiero family, Steve, Davinie, Morgan Paige and Payton Jayne, and we wouldn't change a thing.

Morgan..... up close.... and personal!

A kiss from the big Sis.

A little nighttime cuddle with daddy

Monday, April 03, 2006

First bath - Her tub is somewhere behind my scrapbook stuff under the stairs.... so we went for a quick dip in the sink. Morgan spent a majority of the two minutes pouring shampoo on her hands and smearing them together... Miss Payton did not enjoy her bath, but she needed the scrub, and I think her hair lightened up and went curly after she got out.... :)

In the tub

Bathing beauty

Here's the closest Morgan got to holding her sister, Day 4.


Our little munchkin, day 3

Look at that little waist, up to her armpits.