Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A new post

I found some mojo this morning and decided to scrap some recent pics of my sweet girl.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Just got an email from Memory Makers.... they have a new idea book coming out, called 601 great ideas.. for scrapbooking... and they requested a layout I just finished called "Bippity Boppity Boo"! I can't share it here, because there was this big controversy about them wanting only unseen layouts. They had also requested my layout called "She's a Dreamer" that I did for my Fancy Pants entry... the one with orange and blue, with Morgan on the beach and the swirls going away from her... anyway.... they can't have it though, becuase it's been posted online. But Bippity hasn't! Super excited. My only compensation is a copy of the book, but that's okay, because this is still a toot, and it's from one of the big dogs... even if it's for an idea book and not for their magazine. You'll know I'm over the moon if I EVER get published in Creating Keepsakes. THAT's the mac daddy.

So it's a happy day! And emails have just started. Hopefully they'll write and request another layout!


She's 11 months old

Ahhh.... my sweet PJ. I can't believe she's 11 months old!

Let's see... we video taped her taking something like 8 steps on her 11 month day... but I can't figure out how to make a video to post here as we used our video camera, and not a digital camera. Steve will have to figure it out. But it was super cute! She is standing up all the time, and will walk a couple of steps to us or to Morgan before she sits down, but she hasn't just let go and walked anywhere. I don't know if I'm ready for that anyway. She's already fast enough!

She has her two front teeth starting to poke through. So now she has 4 on top and the two on the bottom. She can finally chew! That's great, because she hasn't let Mama feed her any baby food in quite a while. She's an independent girl and likes to feed herself, so it's been a challenge finding things for her to eat on her own, that are in small enough chunks, and that fill her up enough.

She seems little to me, compared to her big sister. I'll have to get out that pink jumper that Mom made Morgan and put it on her to compare. I have pictures of Morgan in December of 2004, which is her at 11 months. I do think she was bigger, though. So the sizes might be a tad off and I'll have to get some new clothes for PJ for the summertime. That's fine, because I don't want her to have to wear ONLY Morgan's hand-me-downs. She hasn't, because at this young age, the clothes get easily stained, especially Morgan's because she did still allow me to feed her baby food, and some guy thought it was a good idea to dye it all permanent yellow, so when it gets on clothes it's a booger to get out.

Payton isn't talking yet, but she still gets her point across. She also LOVES her daddy, and I love to see that. Morgan was such a mommy's girl, it's nice to see the kids love on their daddy too. He isn't complaining....

She's a cuddler too. Morgan never cuddled like she does. I LOVE that. LOVE the cuddling. I'll be sad if she ever stops cuddling.

Payton loves the Gloworm that Papa got her, loves to poke out baby doll eyes, and loves to read too. She'll just sit and actually look at pictures, but her favorite part is changing the pages. She loves to change the pages.

My sweet girl is NOT sleeping through the night. You'd think she could have a bottle and go to bed around 7:30 and sleep through, but nope, she gets up and I feed her sometimes 2 more bottles before morning time. I think it's becoming a habit. I can only let her cry it out for so long before it starts waking Morgan up.... last night I did have a little breakthrough, and only gave her one bottle. She woke up more than once, but I was able to give her back her binkie and settle her back down, and she went back to sleep. So maybe we are working our way towards a full night's rest. I know I'd certainly appreciate it!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Stemma for Scrappin Trends

Stemma was our manufacturer sponsor for March at Scrappin Trends. I had a really hard time working with this product as I don't normally do well with graphic patterns....

Sunday, March 04, 2007

She Eats Treats

The beautiful thing about scrapping out of order is that you can see how quickly your kids grow, and moon over their earlier days......

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I adore you