Saturday, March 25, 2006

Did I give birth to Alyca's daughter?

Let's review:

1. Tall
3. "M" sits
4. laughs.... BEFORE being tickled

And now, to add to the list....... bug phobia. Yesterday we went to the park, and we were about to go down the slide, but Morgan REFUSED to proceed until I removed the eeeeeny teeeeeny no-see-um from her path. I then had to assure her that the bug was "all gone" several times before she'd go down.

Fast forward a few hours. Morgan wants to fill the little gladware dish we have in the kitchen for Cooper's water. I was in the process of washing my hands after changing her diaper, so I told her to go ahead and fill it with the filtered water out of the refrigerator. Suddenly, my girl is crying, and sounds different. It doesn't sound like she has hurt herself, though. I race into the kitchen, and there she stands, 1/2 full container hoisted up to the spout..... and a little bug swimming around in it. My girl was in a panic. She didn't want to let go of the plastic and let water fly, but she didn't want to be anywhere near the bug either. I laughed to myself, took the container, and then had to make a big show out of washing it down the kitchen sink. Silly kid. Where did she learn that? Now, I admit, we did have a surprise spider incident that required a vacuum cleaner, but other than that, I haven't been acting dramatically around insects. ALYCA! What did you give her!



At March 25, 2006 11:32 AM, Blogger alyca said...

Hey---I am not THAT dramatic with the buggies.....any more.....BUT....don't know what to tell you. It doesn't go away. You may handle it more maturely once you are older, but you never get over them

At March 28, 2006 2:42 PM, Blogger Davinie Fiero said...

Another Alyca thing..... she likes the satin binding on her blankie, and often asks me to "help" her get it just right when I lay down with her for nap/bedtime......

At March 28, 2006 5:35 PM, Blogger alyca said...

That's just because it is the bestest part of the whole thing! Seriously though--I still have my blanket, it is inside of a pillowcase in the cupboard right next to my bed. If I am feeling stressed or sad or something I open up the cupboard and reach inside that pillowcase and gather up the silky 'padder' binding that mom sewed onto one corner, and the coolness of it for that small instant before the warmth of my hand takes it away is the most wonderful thing in the world. Soothes any frustrations, makes the world better. I haven't taken the blanket out of the pillowcase for years, and haven't slept with it for even longer, but I know it is there, and I just can't tell you how good that padder feels!
Woohoo satin binding!!! I think that if I have a little girl, I will copy you and Sabrina and make my baby a blanket, one with satin binding, and some extra to make a 'padder' for her to hold onto. Before it becomes special, it makes a great handle to carry the blanket around by. Oh, even typing about it makes me want to go home and give it a nice squeeze. I always make sure my hands are clean, though before I touch it. I am scared it won't make it through the wash any more. Hence the pillowcase and clean hands......

AND....Maybe I will have the teeny ballet dancer, or the little girl who goes around calling herself "Mooaahh"

At March 28, 2006 6:29 PM, Blogger Davinie Fiero said...

You MUST make your baby a blankie. You MUST. Morgan has always slept with hers.... and when it got cold last year, I had a hard time with her, because I'd put another blanket on top, and she'd wake up in the middle of the night upset if she accidently got a hold of it rather than the one her mama made for her. And, just recently, she's started using it as a comfort tool. If she's upset about something, she wants her blankie. She's not as bad as Rae, and doesn't need to have her eye on it at all times, but I wonder if she'd even sleep if she had to go to bed without it. I love that she loves it, because I made it with love just for her. And don't stress about it either. I didn't finish hers until she was 3 months old, and I have no plans on starting the next one for a bit either. Gotta see who it is first... and their personality will help direct me to the right fabric. Sabrina does this satin backed something for her "booie's", which I had never heard of, but there was no question that the blankie MUST have the satin binding. I even messed up on Morgan's, and was trying to use the fancy sewing machine to stitch her name all around the edges, but the binding didn't like the tight stitches..... and I never got a chance to take the binding off and put a fresh one on. That's just part of the character of her blankie. Just like these ridiculous hats I keep making. I can't knit! Morgan's didn't even fit her, and the one I am trying to make now has this thick soft yarn that's almost impossible to use for a beginner... but I do it because I love my babies so much that I want them to have something just for them from their mama, mistakes and all.
I still have my blankie too. It's in my trunk. I'm not as attached as you two girls, but it is still very special to me because my mama made it just for me.

At March 28, 2006 6:33 PM, Blogger Davinie Fiero said...

And... might I just add....... PLEASE, OH PLEASE LET MORGAN ENJOY BALLET..... just for a little while. :) And I'm not sure what you mean by the moooooaaahhh, unless you are referring to recent moooooaaahh, because if that's the case, she's trying to be Dory talking to the whale from Finding Nemo. Is that what you are talking about?

At March 28, 2006 8:52 PM, Blogger Sabrina said...

Satin on baby blanket a must. Raegans has flannel back'd satin on one side and satin blanket binding. The flannel back makes it super easy to sew and makes the satin much more durable. The stores down here don't have flannel back, so Little Man's has Crepe backed satin.. just as durable, but with a slight texture to it.. also with the satin blanket binding. Yes, the satin is the best part. And I still sleep with my blanket. Middle of night you can find me groping around in the dark for it if I lose it, and Matt will usually wake up somewhat, find it, and groggily hand it back to me...he knows what I'm looking for, and it has satin edges. Sleep just isn't the same without it. ( actually , what I have is my old blanket in a new "cover"... so my old blanket is the "batting" for this blanket. It wasn't safe to wash it anymore, as it has been slept with every nignt for the last 26 years. I went to Moms house and we made a new cover for it. I'm sure, in 26 more years, I'll be back at Moms house and we'll be sewing another cover.)

And Morgan is going to make a lovely Ballerina. She's sure got the height!!

At March 29, 2006 8:38 AM, Blogger alyca said...

I was referring to that brief period of time when you were 9 or so and some movie was out where someone was saying 'Muah', and you went around doing it for a bit, referring to yourself. I have it documented in my 4th grade journal....

At March 29, 2006 10:35 AM, Blogger Sabrina said...

Moo-ah.... as in "me"

Oh my god I remember that

At March 29, 2006 11:07 AM, Blogger Davinie Fiero said...

I fear I have no recollection of this. It must be the grey hairs affecting my memory.............

At March 30, 2006 8:17 AM, Blogger alyca said...

Seriously--I ahve the journal we were forced to write in in 4th grade, and I have specific references to my sister calling herself 'Moo-ahhh' (french for 'me'). Lovely


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