Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Tea and a Fish named Goldie

Last week Morgan and I went to a little Spring Tea at preschool. It was a fun little event. The kids had made chocolate covered strawberries the day before, so we munched on those and drank our tea at little tables with paper daffodils and a.k.a. chia pet grassheads that the kids were growing acting as placemarkers. The kids did a little program where they sang and acted out a couple of songs including "I'm a little teapot" and it was super cute. Morgan and I were the most foofy dressed of the bunch, so I'm glad I didn't go with the whole outfit I had planned. I just used the feather boa and the hat. Morgan too. But she also had pearls.

On Saturday the kids needed something to do so we ran an errand in Bend. While there we stopped at Petco to look around. I had ZERO intentions of getting the kids anything except maybe a dogbone for Cooper, but we ended up walking out with our first pet fish. We went with a single Beta. We bought the fishbowl, the pink and blue castle, and Morgan picked out the fish that she wanted, a blue/purple/red one with big tail waving. She declared Princess Goldie to be the name and off we went. It wasn't until later that I noticed that the container said it was a BOY, but that just made me giggle a little bit.

I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. I can't believe how entertained they are by this silly little thing. The bowl sits atop the TV, because of PJ and her enthusiasm, but the kids talk to the fish throughout the day, say goodbye to Goldie when we leave the house, and Morgan has even made drawings that she's propped up outside the bowl and has put photos up there introducing people to her new pet too. It's quite cute.

I've been starting to add to Morgan's chore chart, so figured that Goldie would be a good place to start with an additional weekly chore. I'm sure she'll enjoy helping me clean the bowl weekly. We'll see how long all of this enthusiasm lasts! For now, it was a good investment.


At April 22, 2008 5:22 PM, Blogger Sabrina said...

Missed seeing Payton but glad the tea went well!

At April 23, 2008 11:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Cute pics!!


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