Sunday, February 11, 2007


I just received an email from a lady who owns a scrapbook store and an online site..... in Brazil! She just wrote me to let me know she loved my work. What a great way to start the day! I didn't know my work was being seen in Brazil! I am very flattered!

Happy Sunday! I stayed up too late last night and then Payton couldn't sleep at all, so I am might tired and mighty grumpy this morning, as Steve is on shift and Morgan was up bright and early at 6. That email may be what saves my day.... it's not like I can just go back to bed.... ::sigh:: .... to sleep like I used to sleep..... before I had kids. Heaven.


At February 11, 2007 9:37 AM, Blogger alyca said...

Hey---speaking of SUnday....Ethan and I need to know when the Easter shindig is gonna be asap....we can take a bit of time off from work, but I always need at least 6-8 weeks notice, so let us know as soon as you get it planned, okay?


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