Monday, February 05, 2007

She's 10 months old....

My sweet girl is 10 months old... time is moving too fast!

Let's see.... she has been successfully weaned which is great because now I can wear what I want. I can wear a sweatshirt if I want! And Steve can help me in the middle of the night when she wakes up. When. Not if. She wakes up. At least once or twice. Ugh. And she's 10 months old. Does that tell you how long it has been since I've slept through the night? Nope. Longer than 10. I didn't even sleep through the night in California! And on my last night there, my roomie was a'snorin'. I tried thumping on the headboard, sneezing, rolling over loudly... snore away she did. I think she was pooped!

Anyway... I digress....

Payton. Miss Payton Jayne. PJ. Squirt as her daddy calls her. Stinky as I refer to her sometimes.

She's crawlin' like a madwoman. She does both army crawl and hands and knees crawl. It depends on what she's after, and what outfit she's wearing. She pulls herself up to a stand at whatever she motors to. She even walks behind a couple of her toys, which is super cute to see. She stands more upright than Morgan did, so she doesn't move as fast, so is able to stand longer. I don't think she'll be walking unsupported by the end of the month.... but the girl is definitely mobile!

She doesn't like baby food. You have to trick her and pour it in a bowl or she won't even let you attempt a bite. And most of the time that doesn't work either. She's an independent lass. She wants to feed herself, and she KNOWS if she's not eating what the rest of us are eating. So I've been buying less baby food jars, and eating more spaghetti and other foods that can be chopped in small bits.

She's started doing signs. If you do the sign for "more" she immediately looks for the star snacks... those are her favorite. She knows the drink sign, does it sometimes, but at least looks at her cup if I do the sign to her. And tonight when she was in the tub, I asked her if she was "all done" "taking a bath" doing both signs, and she immediately started waving both arms around. She knows how to wave, but always does it with just one hand, so I think she was saying "all done" because she was happy to get out when I reached for her. So I think she's catching on! Sometimes when I'm doing the signs Morgan looks at me funny... and I think that it's becuase deep down, she knows them too, she just doesn't realize that she used to know the signs. The interesting thing about the signs so far, is that Morgan learned "more" first. Everything was "more". I think Payton will be more specific.

I was tossing PJ around today and noticed that she's about to get her two front teeth. They weren't poking out, but I could see them. So she's finally going to get something to line up, because right now she has two front bottom teeth, and her eye teeth. Nothing lines up! It's super cute.

PJ and Morgan have been sharing their room for a bit now... eek, I think I put her in there after we got home from the coast in December. I was worried about the dynamic when PJ woke up crying in the middle of the night... but Morgan doesn't even roll over, so thus far it hasn't phased her a bit. This is good, because it was about time we got our bedroom back to ourselves!

Since California, Payton has gotten up at 3am for some more chow. That's been consistent. She sometimes wakes up at other times as well, but at those times we either give her a binkie or hold her for a few. 3am is the only time we feed her again. And she'll go to daddy too, which has been a great blessing, because Morgan would NeVER go to daddy. So while she was definitely a mommy's girl at first, now Payton will happily go to either of us, which makes my heart swell because I love seein' my girl lovin' on her daddy. And he loves it too, even if it means he has to get up in the night every once in a while.

I think PJ is staying little too. She's still in a #2 diaper, and is still wearing most of her 6-9 month clothes. So, I'd say she definitely takes after her mama, and it looks like I gave birth to Alyca and then Davinie, which is quite funny to me.

Payton loves her sister, loves to go over to the slider and make eyes at the dog when he's sleeping on the deck... and still has that paper fetish. Watch out solicitors! She drools!


At February 06, 2007 7:36 AM, Blogger alyca said...

Ooh--give us a pic of those not-meeting teeth!


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