Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Today Morgan and I went to her Well Child appointment. I was dreading it, because she did NOT have a good night last night, and I was not looking forward to a grumpy two year old getting some booster shots.........

While waiting in the waiting room, the place was empty, so I let Morgan climb over a couple of chairs. She wasn't running wild, but I didn't force her to sit with me either. I didn't want to create any extra tantrums.... She'd laugh and climb, then run back to me, then run back to the chair, get up, say "hi mama", wave, and go at it again. I knew our appointment wouldn't be too far away, it was 9am and they can't be running behind ALREADY, so I just sat there watching her.

Anyway, this lady who was sitting futher down the building got up and came over and sat near me. She leaned over and said that she could really see the love I had for my daughter, and that it was heartwarming to see. She said that you could just see by looking at Morgan that she was a happy girl, and that I was cherishing my "gift", as all children are. It really was a sweet thing to say. I don't know this woman at all, and often sometimes question my parenting skills when things aren't running smoothly, but it was very encouraging to have a total stranger come to my side and with no alterior motive, let me know that they think I am doing a great job. All mom's want to hear that! That made my day!

For some reason my girl hasn't been sleeping well lately. I think her dreams are waking her up, but they aren't night terrors. Sometimes we hear her talking about the car, or saying "no way", or just saying "wishuuu mama" (her term for "with you" mama, when she wants to be held). But she's always crying..... So I haven't been sleeping well.

The doctor confirmed he didn't think it was night terrors... just a little phase. I need to make a few adjustments, maybe give her a shorter nap... . until this phase passes. We also talked about potty training and her big girl bed.... and are going to wait until after the baby gets here for the potty training, but are going to get started on the transition out of the crib. Hopefully she's comfortably in her new bed before the baby gets here, because I am certainly going to have my hands full in a few months. Maybe when the baby gets here and she sees a little one getting it's diaper changed, she will decide she's ready to move on. But I am not going to push it.

My girl is still big, I think it was the 95th percent for her weight, 35 pounds, and the 75th for her height. Doc wasn't concerned at all, because she isn't fat, just big, so everything went great.

He did notice what he called a "flow murmur" when he checked her heart. He said it was benign, and not anything to worry about at this point.... but of course, when the word benign is spoken, you automatically think the word malignant..... so I will look into this a little bit. But at this point, I'm not worrying about it.

Anyway, we have a healthy girl..... and apparently, a good mama!


At January 25, 2006 3:43 PM, Blogger alyca said...

Murmurs are not always a big deal--you can have a 1/6 or 2/6 murmur, and they are not always hear-able and have basically no effect whatsoever on your life. Murmurs that are 5/6 or 6/6 mean that there is a lot of blood swooshing back and forth in the hear (not pumping as good as it should), and can be issues. Usually there is a heart valve that is not working right, or even a hole in the heart somewhere (you would already know if Morgan had one) But Morgans is probably a 1/6 or 2/6, no big deal. Actually, tons of kids are diagnosed with heart murmurs, and a lot of the time they go away all on their own.

At January 25, 2006 3:48 PM, Blogger Davinie Fiero said...

I'm not TOO worried, but you always like to think your baby's are perfect, and don't want anything out of the ordinary. He said he wasn't worried at all. He just didn't want me to be surprised should we go on vacation somewhere, have to go to the doctor, and be told something by someone else, when he's our baby doctor. There was a new doc that also checked Morgan, and they both heard the "flow", so I am confident that there is one, and am determined not to worry about it. Our girl is strong as a horse. She's fine. :) Thanks for clarifying a few things though! I didn't hear any numbers, just that she had the murmur.

At January 25, 2006 6:35 PM, Blogger Sabrina said...

I'm sure she's fine... glas the appointment went well!


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