My little piece of that azure sky
A trip down hazard lane, full of bonks, bruises, dirty diapers and little sleep, to keep you updated on the Fiero household
A trip down hazard lane, full of bonks, bruises, dirty diapers and little sleep, to keep you updated on the Fiero household
6 Comments: that Peep on your layout?!?!
At first I was like, ????, and then, I realized, that you are trying to show my that you are skookum on what my kiddos are up to with the 'ole boob tube. This would be Peep's super cute lady friend, if she was on the show.
No, no, no......I do see that show every single time I come down to visit you, and now run across it at my house as well....they are just so simple--little circles that are animals. How does hadding a hat make you a duck?? BUT...this reminded me....
Yes, and what duck is purple? We watch Peep every morning though.
SSSHHHH! Did you just meet quack!? He thinks he's blue! Never say the word purple!
I must have missed that episode...
tee hee!
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