Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Camping we did Go

I tried uploading pics all day yesterday, but Hello, Hellooooo, it wasn't working. So, I'll just post a tease for now.

We went to Big Lake on Thursday morning and came home Monday. We had a blast! It was windy on Friday, but the rest of the weekend was perfect. Morgan went on a tube ride with me, swam, played, and had a great time. Both kids did awesome. We were in a group of about 30 people, and there were several kids the same ages as mine, so it was wonderful!

Steve was stung by a wasp and we had to take a quick drive to the ER on Sunday because after Benadryl and 48 hours... his arm continued to swell. Turns out he got an infection, so they put him on some antiobiotics. Since then I've learned a lot about wasps. They are nasty little bugs! They don't sting.. They actually bite! And they are meat eaters, so I am completely horrified by what they put in Steve's arm that caused an infection. A coworker raises honeybees, and she said that wasps built a nest down by her hives, just so they could attack the bees. I imagine those sweet little bumble bees, doing their sweet job for their little queen, coming out of their hive, and then being attacked! Eeek!

Anyway..... we had a wonderful last hurrah of the summer. The camper is now winterized and tucked away, retired for the year.

I'll update with more pics as soon as I can. For now..... my favorite pic of the weekend. :)


At September 06, 2006 11:13 AM, Blogger alyca said...

What cuties! Payton is getting so big!


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