My little piece of that azure sky
A trip down hazard lane, full of bonks, bruises, dirty diapers and little sleep, to keep you updated on the Fiero household
A trip down hazard lane, full of bonks, bruises, dirty diapers and little sleep, to keep you updated on the Fiero household
Well crap, you picked a hard one!!! MULTIPLE pictures.... now I have to go do a photoshoot so i have enough!!
OK, so now we MUST have a "scrap night" some time soon, otherwise I'll never get this done....
Sabrina, scrap Christmas. There are several photos to pick from there. And remember, you can put two photos side by side in one photo's spot from the "map", and you can put embellishments where another photo mat is, to fill that space. This is just a general guideline.
Yes, we will find a night this week, maybe. We go to the coast Friday morning, but maybe....... I actually have some custom orders to finish for Ebay, but then I'll get started on the "map" LO. I'm busy this week! I am going to try to finish the custom orders today.
I think we are going to do one of these maps more often. I like this idea! I just wish I had more time, but if we get that house, there will be plenty of space in my craft room!
yeah--my Morgan's birthday layout and my perspective iceberg layout were both inspired by scrapbook layout sketches. Gives you a good starting point to work from
Yes, the craft room.... That will be SO fun!! maybe have a monthly gathering of all your scrappy friends and hold a scrap-fest! Way Fun!
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